My Identity

Assalamu'alaikum, Blogger Friends :)

How are you today ? Hopefully everything is fine and always under the protection of Allah SWT, aamiin ya rabbal a'alamin.

Oh yeah, so you can recognize me, here are my photos, dear friend :)

Good friend, introduce my name is Jumaina, it's normal for people to call myself Mena. I studied at IAIN Bukittitnggi, majoring in English language semester 5.

Oh yeah, friend, I was born in Bukittingi on May 22, 1999, and indeed I am a native of Bukittinggi, a friend, because my parents were also from the city. So, I am the first child of three siblings, and I have 1 younger brother and sister.

And after this introduction, I will share experiences, knowledge and even tutorials that might be useful for all of you friends.

That's all my short introduction, dear friend, congratulations on joining my blog and hopefully it will be useful!

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb :)

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