Friday, November 15, 2019

1.      Introduction To Gerunds
Grammar Structures and Practice
A.    Introduction to Gerunds
Gerunds have the same form as present participles: simple form + -ing.

Functions of gerunds
Although gerunds look like verb forms, they function as nouns and can be used at many points in a sentence.
Noun Object of a verb
Gerund Object of a verb
Gerund Subject
Gerund Complement
Gerund Object of a Preposition
I enjoy books
I enjoy reading
Reading is my favorite pastime
My favorite pastime is reading
By reading a lets learn about the world

Forms of gerunds
Active gerunds are the –ing form of a verb. Passive gerunds are formed by using being + past participle
Governing a country is difficult.
Being governed by a good leader is what most citizens want.
Not comes before the gerund. Possessive nouns or pronouns may also be used before gerunds.
Not dedicating himself to peace is unthinkable for a man like Jimmy Carter.
Not being dedicated to peace is unthinkable for a man like Jimmy Carter.
By phrase  with passive
As with most passive sentences, the by phrase is commonly omitted.
Everyone was delighted by the committee’s inviting Jimmy Carter.
Everyone was delighted by Jimmy Carter’s being invited (by the committee.)
Use of possessive and pronouns with gerunds

In formal English, a possessive is used before a gerund.
Everyone was moved by
Carter’s committing himself
to the poor.
Everyone was delighted by
the committee’s inviting
Jimmy Carter.
Everyone was delighted by
its inviting Jimmy Carter.
Everyone was moved by his being committed to the poor.
Everyone was delighted by Jimmy Carter’s being invited.
Everyone was delighted by his being invited.
In informal English nouns or object pronouns are often used
Everyone was delighted by
the committee inviting
Jimmy Carter.
Everyone was delighted by it
(them) inviting Jimmy Carter.
Everyone was delighted by Jimmy Carter being invited.
Everyone was delighted by him being invited.

 Practice 2
  1. We enjoy reading stories to our children. Our children enjoy being read stories.
  2. Our children enjoy being sung to. We enjoy sing to our children.

Practice 3
She enjoys travelling to unpopular destinations.
Practice 4
  1. For Carter,helping…….. (help) the poor is important work for humankind.
  2. Serving…….. (serve) other has been a full-time job for Carter.

B.     Gerunds following prepositions
Because gerunds act like nouns, they can also follow preposition.

Gerunds following prepositions
Gerunds are used to replace nouns as the objects of prepositions
Infinitive (to + verb) may not be used
Noun Object of a Preposition
Thanks for the invitation.
Thanks for the performance.
Gerund Object of a Preposition
Thanks for inviting us.
Thanks for performing for us.

Common Expressions with Prepositions That Are Often Followed by Gerunds
be accused of
be afraid of
be dissatisfied with
be famous for
be in favor of
be fed up with
be good at
be interested in
be involved in
be satisfied with
be sick of
be tired of

approve of
blame someone for
can’t (cannot) help
complain about
disapprove of
excuse someone for
get through
instead of
plan on
(praise) someone for
put off
talk about (talk over)
think about
try hard at
work hard at
worry about
How about…?

There are many common expressions with preposition that are often followed by gerunds. Some of these use the preposition to.
Common Expressions with To That Are Often Followed by Gerunds

In these idiomatic expressions to is a preposition and the gerund form follows it if a verb form is used.

Do not confuse the preposition to with the to Used in infinitives (to + verb).
be accustomed to    devote time
be committed to   (money, effort) to
be devoted to        donate time
be opposed to        (money) to
be subjected to       in addition to
be used to            look forward to
object to
plead guilty to
plead innocent to

Noun object of to

Gerund object of to

I am looking forward to the party.
I am looking forward to seeing you (not I am looking forward to see you.)

Practice 5
Grateful people everywhere have thanked the Carters for helping (help) to provide them with safe,affordable housing.

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